(S. H. photo)
Sunday, June 5 ~ Pentecost
…The breath of the Spirit goes with you, enabling you to pay attention to the needs around you, calling on you to use your talents wisely, showing you the opportunities for friendship and sharing, reminding you that forgiveness is possible, and giving you the strength to face each new day with hope. The breath of the Spirit goes with you; its inspiration will never leave you.
David Sparks, Summerland, B.G. Gathering, Pentecost 1 2022, 29 page. Used with permission.
Lectionary Readings:
Acts 2:1–21 Genesis 11:1–9
Psalm 104:24–34, 35b Romans 8:14–17
Acts 2:1–21 John 14:8-17, (25–27)
Coming at Essex:
Sat. June 4 9:00 am Scouts Planning meeting (gym, Lower hall)
Mon. June 6 1:00 pm Al-Anon
7:00 pm Barbershop Singers
Tues. June 7 1:30 pm GWLTS (Guys Who Like to Sing)
Wed. June 8 6:30 pm Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
Fri. June 10 8:00 pm A.A. Meeting
June 27th Miracle Food Drive
This is the 3rd year for this charitable event. This year’s drive will be done a bit differently. Please keep the spirit alive by dropping off your food donations directly to a charity or food bank of your choice. Food bank usage is still at an all-time high while food bank donations are at all-time lows.
We send our condolences to the family of T. Ross Williams who was the minister at Essex United in the 1980’s.
Our congratulations to Neil M. who received the Rotary’s International Service Award for his work for a Polio Free World. This award recognized Neil’s work to help eradicate polio from the world.
Downtown Mission
On Friday, May 27, Rev. Jim Hatt officiated at the decommissioning service for the Downtown Mission. The Mission is leaving its Victoria Avenue location and will soon relocate to 875 Ouellette Avenue.
Thank You
We had a great response to the ‘Pull Up Your Socks’ event. We were able to take a large donation of socks and underwear to St. Paul’s Anglican Clothing Cupboard. Their clothing cupboard works together with the Essex Food Bank. Thanks to the congregation for your generous donations and thanks to Rev. Lexie for the idea!
For Sale
We are selling our moveable sign, if you are interested please contact the church office (519.776.5121)
Ukraine Appeal Update
Thank you for your continued generosity. The United Church of Canada and their partners are still in need of help for the people of Ukraine. We will have an update for you
in the next few weeks.
We are up and running! Go to our website www.essexunitedchurch.ca and look for the YouTube button in the top left corner of the page.
Our Daily Bread for June, July, August is available in the Narthex.
Church Funnies:
The pastor will light his candle from the altar candles.
The ushers will light their candle from the pastor’s candle.
The ushers will turn and light each worshipper in the first pew.