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Weekly Updates

Thursday, September 15, 2022


The Church office is open Monday – Thursday 9:00am – 12:30pm



Sunday, September 18 ~ Pentecost 15

And may you be blessed by air and water,

earth and wind,

soil below you, sky above you,

Christ before you, Christ behind you,

and love entwining you all ’round! Amen.

Elise Feltrin, Chemainus U.C., Chemainus, B.C.



Lectionary Readings:

Jeremiah 8:18—9:1             Amos 8:4–7

Psalm 79:1–9                        Psalm 113

1 Timothy 2:1–7                    Luke 16:1–13


Coming at Essex:

Welcome Back Sunday  We’ll be having lunch after church.  If anyone would like to bring desserts, that would be wonderful – the more the merrier!



Sun. Sept. 18            11:30 am        Welcome Back Lunch!

7:30 pm          NA

Mon. Sept. 19           1:00 pm          Al-Anon

7:00 pm          Barbershop Singers

Tues. Sept. 20          1:30 pm          GWLTS (Guys Who Like to Sing)

6:15 pm          Brownies

Wed. Sept. 21           6:30 pm          Beavers, Cubs and Scouts

Fri. Sept. 23               8:00 pm          A.A. Meeting







Book Sale


Saturday, October 15

8:00 am – 2:00 pm


Essex United Church

53 Talbot Street South

We are accepting donations for books (paper back and hard cover), CD’s, Records, etc.   Donations can be dropped off at the church ~ Monday – Thursday, 8:00 am – 11:30 am.  We are storing the donations in the nursery in the lower hall.


The Kyiv Home Project

The communities of Kingsville and Cottam along with the Taveirne Family and BK Cornerstone are building a home in Cottam for displaced Ukrainian refugees.  Please visit the website for more information and to see how you can help.


Cottam United Church is a partner in this community project.  Please send your donation to Cottam United Church and reference the Kyiv Home Project.  Please notedo not include any Kyiv donations with your Essex United Church givings.  Thank you.


Cottam United Church

137 County Road 37 W

Box 197

Cottam, ON  N0R 1B0




The Essex Food Bank needs cereal and jam for the families they support.  These items are in short supply.  We continue to support both the Essex Food Bank and the Salvation Army Food Bank. These are challenging times for food banks and both groups are very appreciative of our support.



Our Daily Bread for September, October and November is available in the Narthex.