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A little promise of spring!



The Church office is open Monday – Thursday 9:00am – 12:30pm


Sunday, February 20:  Epiphany VII

Welcome to our Essex Scouting Troup and Neil Fotheringham as we celebrate Scouting Sunday!



May the God of all directions, the God of day and night, be with you today and for all time. Go out now to do the will of the Creator, in the Way of the Son, with the constant presence of the Great Spirit.  Amen.

Kate Gregory, Belwood-Metz P.C., Belwood, Ont.



Lectionary Readings:

Genesis 45:3–11, 15

Psalm 37:1–11, 39–40

1 Corinthians 15:35–38, 42–50

Luke 6:27–38



Coming at Essex:

As of February 17th, capacity limits for religious services have been increased to the number of people who can maintain six feet physical distance.  Indoor social gatherings and public events limits have increased to 50 people.  As a result, we are able to welcome back our church groups!


Mon. Feb. 21                         OFFICE is CLOSED

Fri. Feb. 25    8:00 pm          A.A. Meeting



February 24               Diana D.

February 24               Mark B.

February 26               Verdene H.




February 23              Elizabeth & Randy D.



Lenten Study

Reverend Darrow will lead a Zoom meeting on Wednesday evenings during Lent from 7:30-8:30 pm. Each week we will look at the Gospel reading for the coming Sunday.  The dates are March 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30.


This class will be open to folks from Harrow and Essex United Churches, and anyone else who wants to join in.


Please email Rev. Darrow to get a Zoom link.




The United Church of Canada has sent a few booklets and information sheets about Mission and Service. You are welcome to take them. They contain interesting stories, prayers, and devotions. They are available in the narthex.




We are in the process of getting our YouTube channel up and running.  Check out our first downloads.


2021 Charitable Donation Receipts are at the back of the church.