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Office Hours:  (Monday – Thursday, 9:00 am – 12:30 pm


Sunday, August 1:  Pentecost X 

based on Psalm 51


When we come before God to confess our sins with honesty, repentance, humility, and faith,

secure in God’s steadfast love, we open ourselves to the possibility of the cleansing and transformation that can bring us back into right relationship.  Let us turn to God in prayer:  Merciful God, we confess that we have sinned.  Whether we have sinned in our hearts or minds, by our words or bodies, individually or collectively, all sins are ultimately against you,

and we are deeply sorry.  Blot out the stain of our sins, we pray, purify us of our transgressions.  Teach us wisdom and forgive and heal us, that our hearts be spotless before you.  Then, cleansed from the crushing weight of sin, our hearts will rise to rejoice as you release us.  Cleanse our hearts, O God, that they be worthy of your Holy Spirit, that we may better serve you and sing your praises more sweetly with a new and right spirit within us.  In Christ’s name, we pray.  Amen.

Laurie Lloyd, Collier Street U.C., Barrie, Ont.


Lectionary Readings:

2 Samuel 11:26—12:13a                Psalm 51:1–12

Exodus 16:2–4, 9–15                      Psalm 78:23–29

Ephesians 4:1–16                           John 6:24–35



Our Weekly Birthdays:

August 4        Walter

August 6        Nancy

August 6        Christine Hatt

Coming at Essex:


Monday, August 2    OFFICE CLOSED


Sunday, August 8     10:30 am        Worship Service

~ Ian Phillips


Sunday, August 22   10:30 am        Worship Service





Since we are all doing more puzzles, we thought it would be a great idea to have a Puzzle Sharing Program.  If you have any puzzles to share, or would like to pick up a new puzzle, please drop by the Church Library after church.


for your continuing support of Essex United.   We rely on the contributions to cover ministry costs, and our bills.  At this time, we are still facing a prolonged closure, and this makes it more important, if you are able, to give faithfully and regularly to the church.






Our Library is in need of Children’s books.

If you have any to donate, they can be dropped off at the church.

Please call the church office (519-776-5121) to make sure Susan is in.  Also, a wonderful thank you to Jill who has been keeping the Book Bin going throughout the Lock Down.



Results of June 27th 2021 Miracle Food Drive

Another successful venture!  Windsor-Essex gave generously. They raised 1,032,199 tons of food.  This amount is able to feed approximately 15,000 households or 34,000 individuals for one year of food bank usage.


From Rev. Chris Brouillard-Coyle, Incumbent, St. Paul’s/Trinity Anglican Churches:



Pride Flag in Essex

The first full weekend in August has traditionally been the time of local Pride celebrations.  In honour of this, St. Paul’s and Trans Wellness Ontario have petitioned the township to raise the Pride flag for the weekend and will be holding a flag raising ceremony at Town Hall on Aug. 5 at 5pm.  This will be followed by a BBQ at St. Paul’s.  Our hope is to let all those who are part of the 2SLGBTQ+ community that they loved in Essex.  We would love for our friends at Essex United to be part of this celebration.


Markets are back!

Saturday, Aug. 7 beginning at 10am we are bringing back our market days, outside, socially distanced with local vendors and treats.  As you stretch your legs around town Saturday, stop by and see if there is something that interests you!



Church Funnies:

Community Picnic

A church had a picnic and invited the entire community to come. The Pastor placed a basket full of apples on one end of a table with a sign saying, “Take only one apple please – Remember that God is watching.”

On the other end of the table was a plate of cookies where one of the children had placed a sign saying, “Take all the cookies you want — God is watching the apples.”