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The Church office is open Monday – Thursday 9:00am – 12:30pm


Sunday, June 26 ~ Pentecost 2

This is the day God has made.  This is a day of wonder and grace.  This is a day to praise God.  This is a day to marvel at God’s handiwork.  This is a day for seeking God’s will.  This is a day to join our hearts in prayer and praise.

Beth W Johnston, Bridging Waters P.C., Nipawin, Sask.



Lectionary Readings:

2 Kings 2:1–2, 6–14                        1 Kings 19:15–16, 19–21

Psalm 77:1–2, 11–20                      Psalm 16

Galatians 5:1, 13–25                       Luke 9:51–62



Sunday, July 3 ~ Pentecost 3

(inspired by Luke 10:1-11, 16-20)

And God says, “Children, go where I send thee!”  How shall you send us?  “I’m gonna send you, one by one, all for the little bitty baby, who was born in Bethlehem!’  And where shall we go?  Together, at God’s call, we’ll journey where Christ leads.  Together, at God’s call, we’ll follow in Christ’s footsteps, travelling lightly.  The Way is not easy.  But we will be strong, singing, laughing, crying, loving, and helping each other on the journey.  Alleluia!  Alleluia, amen.

Richard Bott, Vancouver, B.c. * Adapted from the African American spiritual “Children, go where I send thee’:



Lectionary Readings:

2 Kings 5:1–14                     Isaiah 66:10–14

Psalm 30                               Psalm 66:1–9

Galatians 6:(1–6), 7–16      Luke 10:1–11, 16–20



Coming at Essex:

Mon. June 27           1:00 pm          Al-Anon

7:00 pm          Barbershop Singers

Tues. June 28          1:30 pm          GWLTS (Guys Who Like to Sing)

Wed. June 29           6:30 pm          Beavers, Cubs and Scouts

Fri. July 1                   8:00 pm          A.A. Meeting


Mon. July 4               1:00 pm          Al-Anon

7:00 pm          Barbershop Singers

Tues. July 5              1:30 pm          GWLTS (Guys Who Like to Sing)

Fri. July 8                   8:00 pm          A.A. Meeting







Ukraine Appeal Update

Thank you for your continued generosity.  The United Church of Canada and their partners are still in need of help for the people of Ukraine.  We will have an update for you

in the next few weeks.




June 27th Miracle Food Drive

This is the 3rd year for this charitable event.  This year’s drive will be done a bit differently.  Please keep the spirit alive by dropping off your food donations directly to a charity or food bank of your choice.  Food bank usage is still at an all-time high while food bank donations are at all-time lows.



Food Banks

Both the Essex Food Bank and the Salvation Army Food Bank are in need of donations:


– pasta & pasta sauce                      – canned vegetables & fruit

– canned pork and beans               – crackers

– kids snacks                                     – cereal

– juice boxes                                      – toilet paper

– cookies                                            – cleaning products



For Sale


We are selling our moveable sign, if you are interested please contact the church office (519.776.5121)







Ukraine Appeal Update

Thank you for your continued generosity.  The United Church of Canada and their partners are still in need of help for the people of Ukraine.  We will have an update for you

in the next few weeks.




We are up and running!  Go to our website and look for the YouTube button in the top left corner of the page.


Our Daily Bread for July, August is available in the Narthex.