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We planning for two Sunday services in July and two in August.  Rev. Lexie is looking forward to joining us for a few services this summer!

Stay tuned for information next week.  Can’t wait to see everyone again.


Sunday, June 27:  Pentecost V 

(based upon Psalm 130)

We wait for you, God, and in your word is our hope.  We wait for you, more than the watchers long for the morning.  We wait in hope, knowing that in you there is love unfailing.  We wait with joy, because you have the power to restore us again.  Come be with us in our worship today and bring us new life. Amen.

Wanda Winfield, Blenheim U.C., Blenheim, Ont.



Lectionary Readings:

2 Samuel 1:1, 17–27                                   Psalm 130

Wisdom of Solomon 1:13–15, 2:23–24    Lamentations 3:22–33

Psalm 30                                                       2 Corinthians 8:7–15

Mark 5:21–43



Our Weekly Birthdays:

July 02           Ray

July 03           Jamie



This Week at Essex:

Monday, June 28      10:00 am        Worship Committee                       (Youth Room)

Thursday, July 1       OFFICE IS CLOSED


June 27 Miracle One Day Food Drive

Based on the success of last year’s event, the organizers are planning another event for this year – also on June 27th.  The response last year was incredible.  The one day food drive generated an estimated 2 million pounds in donations.  You can help by putting non-perishable food items on the doorstep of your residence by 12 noon on June 27th.  Anyone who would like to donate or volunteer is asked to visit:  or email


for your continuing support of Essex United.   We rely on the contributions to cover ministry costs, and our bills.  At this time, we are still facing a prolonged closure, and this makes it more important, if you are able, to give faithfully and regularly to the church.



Our Library is in need of Children’s books.

If you have any to donate, they can be dropped off at the church.

Please call the church office (519-776-5121) to make sure Susan is in.  Also, a wonderful thank you to Jill who has been keeping the Book Bin going throughout the Lock Down.


We are up and running!!  Our new website is active.  The address is  There still will be a few bugs to work out, so please be patient.  We are hoping to have a You Tube channel in the fall to broadcast our Sunday services and special events.  Many thanks to Pearl, Karen and the team at WP (Web & Print) Boutique for all their help and advice.