The Church office is open Monday – Thursday 9:00am – 12:30pm
Do not forget to set your clocks ahead!
Sunday, March 6: Lent II
Merciful God, in this season of waiting and anticipation, we come to you hopeful for the possibilities of new life. We await the coming of spring, when the sleeping creation will break forth and once again verdant life will grow. As we wait, cause new life to stir within each one of us, that we might prepare for a renewed and plentiful life. We pray in the name of the one who came to bring life. Amen.
Ryan McNally, St. Mark’s U.C., Cannifton, Ont.
Lectionary Readings:
Genesis 15:1–12, 17–18 Psalm 27
Philippians 3:17—4:1 Luke 13:31–35
Luke 9:28–36, (37–43a)
Coming at Essex:
Mon. Mar. 14 1:00pm Al-Anon
7:00 pm Barbershop Singers
Tues. Mar. 15 1:30 pm GWTLS
Wed. Mar. 16 5:00 pm Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
6:30 pm Official Board Meeting (Please note date change!)
Fri. Mar. 18 8:00 pm A.A. Meeting
Sun. Apr. 24 11:30 am Annual Meeting (after Worship Service)
March 14 Ferne T.
March 17 Pat M.
Ukrainian Crisis
There are many Canadian charities accepting monetary donations to help Ukraine. Their websites provide details of their work. Here are a few verified agencies.
– UCC Mission & Service Fund
– Canada-Ukraine Foundation
– UNICEF Canada
– GlobalMedic
– Canadian Foodgrains Bank
– Canadian Red Cross
~ The Outreach Committee
BROADVIEW Subscriptions are now due for renewal. The fee remains at $25.
Please add this to your envelope and mark that it is for Broadview, or you may pay Nancy Holden directly.
Thanks a lot.
Presented to Essex United Church for 100 years of our support of Scouting!
We are in the process of getting our YouTube channel up and running. Check out our first
Our Daily Bread for March, April and May is available in the Narthex.