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May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

The rains fall soft upon your fields,

And, until we meet again,

May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


Sunday, March 20:  Lent III

Holy One, Word of Life, in these days of Lent, lead us through the wilderness where nothing seems familiar and into a place where we notice you calling us.  Lead us into a new day where we trust you with our fears and prejudices because we know you sent us Jesus to show us a better way to face the unknown.  In this season of Lent, travel with us as we face the places in our lives that would keep us from loving our neighbours.  Turn us gently, Lord, and may your Spirit find us willing.

Wendy MacLean, while at Christ U.C., Lyn, Ont.



Lectionary Readings:

Isaiah 55:1–9

Psalm 63:1–8

1 Corinthians 10:1–13

Luke 13:1–9



Coming at Essex:

Mon. Mar. 21             1:00pm           Al-Anon

7:00 pm          Barbershop Singers

Tues. Mar. 22            1:30 pm          GWLTS

Wed. Mar. 23             5:00 pm          Beavers, Cubs and Scouts

Fri. Mar. 25                8:00 pm          A.A. Meeting


Sun. Apr. 24             11:30 am       Annual Meeting (after Worship Service)



 Ukrainian Crisis

There are many Canadian charities accepting monetary donations to help Ukraine.  Their websites provide details of their work.  Here are a few verified agencies.

– UCC Mission & Service Fund

– Canada-Ukraine Foundation

– UNICEF Canada

– GlobalMedic

– Canadian Foodgrains Bank

– Canadian Red Cross


~ The Outreach Committee



BROADVIEW Subscriptions are now due for renewal.  The fee remains at $25.

Please add this to your envelope and mark that it is for Broadview, or you may pay Nancy Holden directly.

Thanks a lot.




We are in the process of getting our YouTube channel up and running.  Check out our first





Our Daily Bread for March, April and May is available in the Narthex.