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Happy 147th Anniversary!!




Office Hours:  (Monday – Thursday, 9:00 am – 12:30 pm)


Sunday, October 17:  Pentecost XXI

God of many blessings, we give thanks to you

for having fed us, sustained and challenged us,

with the waters of creation and bread for our journey.

We pray that this food will sustain us as we go from this place to be your people.

We pray for food enough, shared enough, to sustain all the people of the world.  Amen.

Beth W. Johnston, Bridging Waters P.C., Nipawin, Sask.


Lectionary Readings:

Job 38:1–7, (34–41)                         Psalm 104:1–9, 24, 35c

Isaiah 53:4–12                                  Psalm 91:9–16

Hebrews 5:1–10                               Mark 10:35–45



Our Weekly Birthdays:

October 20     Owen

October 24     Marion



Coming at Essex:

Sun. Oct. 17              10:30 am        Anniversary Service

                                                            ~ Baptism

Mon. Oct. 18              1:30 pm         Al-Anon

Tues. Oct. 19              1:00 pm         Guys Who Like to Sing

6:00 pm         Brownies

                                  6:30 pm        Official Board (board room)

Wed. Oct. 20             6:30pm          Scouting Groups

Fri. Oct. 22                 8:00 pm         AA

Sun. Oct. 24              10:30 am        Worship Service

                                                            ~ World Polo Day, Neil McBeth, guest speaker



We are in need of children’s books for the library and the Book Bin.  Any books you may able to

donate can be left at the church during office hours.



33rd Annual Turkey Dinner at Harrow United Church.

Saturday, November 6th, 3:00 – 7:00 pm

Drive-Thru Turkey Dinner, $20

For more information, see the poster in the narthex.