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Sunday, October 24:  Pentecost XXII

To be a church family is a blessing.

To encourage and care for one another is a joy.

To work together for the common good of all people and all creation is our calling.

Come, let us worship as the body of Christ.

We come as followers of the Way of Jesus, as those inspired by the Spirit of God,

to worship, sing, and pray.

Susan Lukey, High River U.C., High River, Alta.



Lectionary Readings:

Job 42:1–6, 10–17               Psalm 34:1–8, (19–22)

Jeremiah 31:7–9                  Psalm 126

Hebrews 7:23–28                 Mark 10:46–52



Our Weekly Birthdays:

October 24     Marion

October 26     Cherie

October 28     Holly

October 29     David



Coming at Essex:

Sun. Oct. 24              10:30 am        Worship Service

                                                            ~ World Polio Day, Neil McBeth, guest speaker

Mon. Oct. 25              1:30 pm         Al-Anon

Tues. Oct. 26             1:00 pm         Guys Who Like to Sing

6:00 pm         Brownies

Wed. Oct. 27             6:30pm          Scouting Groups

Thurs. Oct. 28           9:30 am         Worship Committee (Youth Room)

Fri. Oct. 29                 8:00 pm         AA


We are in need of children’s books for the library and the Book Bin.  Any books you may able to donate can be left at the church during office hours.  Thanks!