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World Wide Communion

Sunday, October 3, 2021


Sunday, October 3:  Pentecost XIX 

Holy Mystery, your circle is wide and includes the most amazingly wonderful array of beautifully created folk.  The languages we speak are like a chorus of every sound of creation.  The gifts and abilities with which you have blessed us encircle the word in creativity.  You call us “good.”  May we be committed to being a welcoming people, inclusive and accepting.  Grant us the faith that transforms our world as we feast at this table today.  Amen.

Laura Turnbull, Penticton U.C., Penticton, B.C.



Lectionary Readings:

Job 1:1; 2:1–10                                 Psalm 26

Genesis 2:18–24                              Psalm 8

Hebrews 1:1–4; 2:5–12                   Mark 10:2–16



Our Weekly Birthdays:

October 3       Karen

October 3       Jude

October 5       Deb

October 5       Lesley



Coming at Essex:

Sun., Oct. 3               10:30 am        World Wide Communion


Sun., Oct. 10             10:30 am        Thanksgiving  Worship Service


Mon., Oct. 11 OFFICE IS CLOSED          


Sun., Oct. 17             10:30 am        Anniversary Service