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Weekly Updates

Thursday, April 21, 2022

The Church office is open Monday – Thursday 9:00am – 12:30pm


Sunday, April 24~ Easter II  (Annual Meeting Day)

This place (Essex United) has four walls, a roof, and a floor.  Yet you do not come to this place for physical shelter.  This is a holy place where we are transported to the shores of a lake, to hear the word of Christ.  This place has pews and chairs.  We rest in them, as generations before us have done, so that we may gather our strength and faith to go out into the world and do what Jesus asks of us.  This place has windows and doors.  The light that shines through them also shines through scripture, through the words and the actions of Jesus and his disciples, a light that is reflected into the corners of our lives.  This is a sacred place, with walls and doors, windows and pews.  Let us gather in worship just as generations have done before us and generations will do in the future.

Éric Hébert-Daly, Responsable des ministères en français, L’Église Unie du Canada



Lectionary Readings:

Acts 5:27–32                         Psalm 118:14–29

or Psalm 150                         Revelation 1:4–8

John 20:19–31




Coming at Essex:

Sun. Apr. 24             11:30 am       Annual Meeting (after Worship Service)

Mon. Apr. 25             1:00 pm          Al-Anon

7:00 pm          Barbershop Singers

Tues. Apr. 26 1:30 pm          GWLTS (Guys Who Like to Sing)

Wed. Apr. 27             6:30 pm          Beavers, Cubs and Scouts

Fri. Apr. 29                 8:00 pm          A.A. Meeting



Power Point

We are looking for someone who is interested in helping with the Power Point on Sunday mornings.  Please speak to Doug for the details.


For Sale


We are selling our moveable sign, if you are interested please contact the church office (519.776.5121)



Ukraine Appeal Update

The extreme violence in Ukraine continues to be beyond words, as is the case for so many around the world who confront armed conflict in their communities.


Thanks to your generosity, the United Church community has raised $402,000 for humanitarian relief so far. Of that, $240,000 has been sent via the ACT Alliance. Spanning 127 countries, the Action by Churches Together (ACT) Alliance is the world’s largest network of Protestant and Orthodox churches and agencies, including the United Church. What are these funds supporting? Click here for details.


Your generosity through Mission & Service has long supported ACT’s humanitarian relief and advocacy efforts. Plans are being finalised for disbursement of $162,000 and funds that continue to come in. Please consider making a donation today. It’s never too late to be generous.




We are in the process of getting our YouTube channel up and running.  We have Rev. Lexie’s last two Sunday sermons on our YouTube channel!  Go to our website and look for the YouTube button in the top left corner of the page.



Our Daily Bread for April and May is available in the Narthex.



Food Banks

Both the Essex Food Bank and the Salvation Army Food Bank are in need of donations:


– pasta & pasta sauce

– canned vegetables & fruit

– canned pork and beans

– crackers

– kids snacks

– cereal

– juice boxes

– toilet paper

– cookies

– cleaning products



Susan has a complete list in the church office



St. Paul’s Anglican Church Info:

If you are spring cleaning your clothes closet please keep the St. Paul’s Clothing Cupboard in mind.  They offer gently used clothing to those in need.  They are open on Tues. & Thur. from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.  You can take your items to St. Paul’s or bring them to Essex United and we will deliver them.  They are always in need of NEW socks and underwear for all ages.  Also, if you would like to volunteer at the Clothing Cupboard please contact St. Paul’s at 519-776-7711.






Please join us on Saturday, April 23rd at 9:30 am as we clear “winter” from the flowerbeds.  Don’t forget your rake, shovel, trimmers, gloves and anything else you think necessary.


Thank you!


Welcome Happy Morning

(Easter 2022)



Church Funnies:


The venues that are hosting are:


Riverside United Church, 881 Glidden Ave., Windsor

Westminster United Church, 1680 Dougall Ave., Windsor

Académie Ste-Cécile International School, 825 Cousineau Rd., Windsor

All Saints Anglican Church, 330 City Hall Square West, Windsor

Morris Sutton Funeral Home, 68 Giles Blvd. East, Windsor

Church of the Ascension,1385 University Ave. West, Windsor

Church of the Epiphany, 96 Main St. West, Kingsville

Harrow United Church, 45 Munger St. East, Harrow

Essex Christian Reformed Church, 276 Talbot St. South, Essex