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Weekly Updates

Thursday, February 24, 2022


The Church office is open Monday – Thursday 9:00am – 12:30pm


Sunday, February 27:  Transfiguration Sunday

O God, we come today to refresh and to restore all that is within our hearts and minds.  Like the disciples climbing the mountain with Jesus, we come expecting nothing yet prepared to experience your love.  During this time together, may we find our true selves just as Jesus’ true self was revealed on the mountaintop.  May we find your wisdom, and its strength, for we know that your love restores and refreshes us in mysterious ways.  O God, fill us anew.  Amen.

Jim McKean, Severn Shores U.C., Severn, Ont.



Lectionary Readings:

Exodus 34:29–35

Psalm 99

2 Corinthians 3:12—4:2

Luke 9:28–36, (37–43a)


Coming at Essex:

As of February 17th, capacity limits for religious services have been increased to the number of people who can maintain six feet physical distance.  Indoor social gatherings and public events limits have increased to 50 people.  As a result, we are able to welcome back our church groups!


Mon. Feb. 28             1:00pm           Al-Anon

7:00 pm          Barbershop Singers

Tues. Mar. 1              1:30 pm          GWTLS

Wed. Mar. 2               5:00 pm          Beavers, Cubs and Scouts

Fri. Mar. 4                  8:00 pm          A.A. Meeting



28        Lois R.



Lenten Study

Reverend Darrow will lead a Zoom meeting on Wednesday evenings during Lent from 7:30-8:30 pm. Each week we will look at the Gospel reading for the coming Sunday.  The dates are March 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30.


This class will be open to folks from Harrow and Essex United Churches, and anyone else who wants to join in.


Please email Rev. Darrow to get a Zoom link.




The United Church of Canada has sent a few booklets and information sheets about Mission and Service. You are welcome to take them. They contain interesting stories, prayers, and devotions. They are available in the narthex.



2021 Charitable Donation Receipts are at the back of the church.



BROADVIEW Subscriptions are now due for renewal.  The fee remains at $25.

Please add this to your envelope and mark that it is for Broadview, or you may pay Nancy Holden directly.

Thanks a lot.





We are in the process of getting our YouTube channel up and running.  Check out our first downloads.






Our Daily Bread for March, April and May is available in the Narthex.