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The church office is open Monday – Thursday 9:00am – 12:30pm

Sunday, May 22 ~ Easter VI  

Go forward this day:  ready to find God in the world, in small and surprising places;

willing to see God at work, in intriguing and unexpected ways;

eager to serve God in the world, where you are, as you are;

and attentive to those God calls you to love.  Amen.

Gill Le Fevre, Walton Memorial U.C., Oakville, Ont.



Lectionary Readings:

Acts 16:9–15                                     Psalm 67

Revelation 21:10; 22—22:5           John 14:23–29

John 5:1–9



Coming at Essex:

Mon. May 23             OFFICE CLOSED

1:00 pm          Al-Anon

7:00 pm          Barbershop Singers

Tues. May 24            1:30 pm          GWLTS (Guys Who Like to Sing)

Wed. May 25             6:30 pm          Beavers, Cubs and Scouts

Fri. May 27                8:00 pm          A.A. Meeting




“Pull Up Your Socks” Sunday is May 29th.

Please bring in new socks and undies and they will be donated

to St. Paul’s Anglican Church for their Clothing Cupboard.


For Sale


We are selling our moveable sign, if you are interested please contact the church office (519.776.5121)




Ukraine Appeal Update

Thank you for your continued generosity.  The United Church of Canada and their partners are still in need of help for the people of Ukraine.  We will have an update for you

in the next few weeks.




We are up and running!  Go to our website and look for the YouTube button in the top left corner of the page.



Our Daily Bread for May is available in the Narthex.